Source code for aioynab.client

import asyncio
import json
import logging
from typing import List

import aiohttp
    import uvloop
except ImportError:

#: The base API URL for YNAB.

[docs]class YNABAPIError(Exception): """An error class for YNAB API errors. :param status: The http status code. :param error_data: The error data returned in the response. """ def __init__(self, status: int, error_data: dict): self.status = status self.error_data = error_data super().__init__('{} - {}'.format(status, error_data['detail']))
[docs]class Client(object): """A client for the YNAB API. :param personal_access_token: The YNAB personal access token. Create one at ``. :param loop: Optional event loop, one will be created if not passed. :param session: Optional aiohttp client session, one will be created if not passed. """ def __init__(self, personal_access_token: str, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None, session: aiohttp.ClientSession = None): self.personal_access_token = personal_access_token self.loop = loop if loop else asyncio.get_event_loop() self.session = ( session if session else aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop)) self.headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(personal_access_token), }
[docs] async def close(self): """Closes the session.""" await self.session.close()
[docs] async def _request(self, endpoint: str, method: str = 'GET', params: dict = None, body: dict = None) -> dict: """Performs a http request and returns the json response. :param endpoint: The API endpoint. :param method: The HTTP method to use (GET, POST, PUT). :param params: Any parameters to send with the request. :param body: A json body to send with the request. :returns: The json data as a dict. :raises YNABAPIError: If there is an api error. """ url = '{}{}'.format(BASE_URL, endpoint) try: response = await self.session.request( method, url, params=params, json=body, headers=self.headers) except aiohttp.ClientError: logging.exception('Error requesting %s %s', method, url) raise try: data = await response.json() except aiohttp.ContentTypeError: # 429 responses are not returned as json responses, but can be # parsed as such. text = await response.text() try: data = json.loads(text) except ValueError: logging.exception('Error parsing response as json: %s', text) raise if response.status >= 400 or 'error' in data: # @TODO: X-Rate-Limit header does not appear to be returned in # the response headers when a 429 error occurs. Open a ticket and # come back to that later. error = data['error'] logging.error( '%s Error requesting %s %s: %s', response.status, method, url, error['detail']) raise YNABAPIError(response.status, error) return data['data']
[docs] async def user(self) -> dict: """Returns authenticated user information. Corresponds to the `/user` endpoint. :returns: A dict with user data. """ return await self._request('/user', 'GET')
[docs] async def budgets(self) -> dict: """Returns budgets list with summary information. Corresponds to the `/budgets` endpoint. :reutrns: A dict containing all budgets. """ return await self._request('/budgets', 'GET')
[docs] async def budget(self, budget_id: str, last_knowledge_of_server: int = None) -> dict: """Returns a single budget with all related entities. This resource is effectively a full budget export. Corresponds to the `/budget/{budget_id}` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget to look up. :param last_knowledge_of_server: The starting server knowledge. If provided, only entities that have changed since last_knowledge_of_server will be included. :returns: A dict containing the requested budget. """ params = {} if last_knowledge_of_server is not None: params['last_knowledge_of_server'] = last_knowledge_of_server return await self._request( '/budgets/{}'.format(budget_id), 'GET', params)
[docs] async def budget_settings(self, budget_id: str) -> dict: """Returns settings for a budget. Corresponds to the `/budget/{budget_id/settings` endpont. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :returns: The budget settings data as a dict. """ return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/settings'.format(budget_id), 'GET')
[docs] async def accounts(self, budget_id: str, last_knowledge_of_server: int = None) -> dict: """Returns all accounts associated with the budget. Corresponds to the `/budget/{budget_id}/accounts` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget to look up. :param last_knowledge_of_server: The starting server knowledge. If provided, only entities that have changed since last_knowledge_of_server will be included. :returns: A dict containing all accounts. """ params = {} if last_knowledge_of_server is not None: params['last_knowledge_of_server'] = last_knowledge_of_server return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/accounts'.format(budget_id), 'GET', params)
[docs] async def account(self, budget_id: str, account_id: str) -> dict: """Returns a single account associated with a budget. Corresponds to the `/budget/{budget_id}/accounts/{account_id}` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget to look up. :param account_id: The ID of the account. :returns: A dict of the account. """ return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/accounts/{}'.format(budget_id, account_id), 'GET')
[docs] async def categories(self, budget_id: str, last_knowledge_of_server: int = None) -> dict: """Returns all categories grouped by category group. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/categories` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget to look up. :param last_knowledge_of_server: The starting server knowledge. If provided, only entities that have changed since last_knowledge_of_server will be included. :returns: A dict of all categories. """ params = {} if last_knowledge_of_server is not None: params['last_knowledge_of_server'] = last_knowledge_of_server return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/categories'.format(budget_id), 'GET', params)
[docs] async def category(self, budget_id: str, category_id: str) -> dict: """Returns a single category. Amounts (budgeted, activity, balance, etc.) are specific to the current budget month (UTC). Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/categories/{category_id}` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param category_id: The ID of the category. :returns: A dict of the requested category. """ return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/categories/{}'.format(budget_id, category_id), 'GET')
[docs] async def category_month( self, budget_id: str, category_id: str, month: str) -> dict: """Returns a single category for a specific budget month. Amounts (budgeted, activity, balance, etc.) are specific to the current budget month (UTC). Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/months/{month}/categories/{category_id}` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param category_id: The ID of the category. :param month: The budget month in ISO format (e.g. 2016-12-01) ('current' can also be used to specify the current calendar month (UTC)). :returns: A dict for the specified category and month. """ url = '/budgets/{}/months/{}/categories/{}'.format( budget_id, month, category_id) return await self._request(url, 'GET')
[docs] async def update_category_month( self, budget_id: str, category_id: str, month: str, data: dict) -> dict: """Updates a category for a specific month. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/months/{month}/categories/{category_id}` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param category_id: The ID of the category. :param month: The budget month in ISO format (e.g. 2016-12-01) ('current' can also be used to specify the current calendar month (UTC)). :param data: A dict containing the fields/values to update. :returns: A dict of the category for the month. """ data = {'category': data} url = '/budgets/{}/months/{}/categories/{}'.format( budget_id, month, category_id) return await self._request(url, 'PATCH', body=data)
[docs] async def payees(self, budget_id: str, last_knowledge_of_server: int = None) -> dict: """Returns all payees. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/payees` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param last_knowledge_of_server: The starting server knowledge. If provided, only entities that have changed since last_knowledge_of_server will be included. :returns: A dict of all payees. """ params = {} if last_knowledge_of_server: params['last_knowledge_of_server'] = last_knowledge_of_server return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/payees'.format(budget_id), 'GET', params)
[docs] async def payee(self, budget_id: str, payee_id: str) -> dict: """Returns single payee. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/payees/{payee_id}` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param payee_id: The ID of the payee. :returns: A dict of the requested payee. """ return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/payees/{}'.format(budget_id, payee_id), 'GET')
[docs] async def payee_locations(self, budget_id: str) -> dict: """Returns all payee locations. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/payee_locations` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :returns: A dict of all payee locations. """ return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/payee_locations'.format(budget_id), 'GET')
[docs] async def payee_location( self, budget_id: str, payee_location_id: str) -> dict: """Returns all payee locations. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/payee_locations/{payee_location_id}` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param payee_location_id: The ID of the payee location. :returns: A dict of the requested payee location. """ return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/payee_locations/{}'.format( budget_id, payee_location_id), 'GET')
[docs] async def locations_payee(self, budget_id: str, payee_id: str) -> dict: """Returns all payee locations for the specified payee. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/payees/{payee_id}/payee_locations` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param payee_id: The ID of the payee. :returns: A dict of locations for the requested payee. """ return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/payees/{}/payee_locations'.format(budget_id, payee_id), 'GET')
[docs] async def budget_months( self, budget_id: str, last_knowledge_of_server: int = None) -> dict: """Returns all budget months. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/months` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param last_knowledge_of_server: The starting server knowledge. If provided, only entities that have changed since last_knowledge_of_server will be included. :returns: A dict of all budget months. """ params = {} if last_knowledge_of_server is not None: params['last_knowledge_of_server'] = last_knowledge_of_server return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/months'.format(budget_id), 'GET', params)
[docs] async def budget_month(self, budget_id: str, month: str) -> dict: """Returns a single budget month. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/months/{month}` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param month: The budget month in ISO format (e.g. 2016-12-01) ('current' can also be used to specify the current calendar month (UTC)). :returns: A dict for the requested budget month. """ return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/months/{}'.format(budget_id, month), 'GET')
[docs] async def transactions( self, budget_id: str, since_date: str = None, type: str = None, last_knowledge_of_server: int = None) -> dict: """Returns budget transactions. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/transactions` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param since_date: If specified, only transactions on or after this date will be included. The date should be ISO formatted (e.g. 2016-12-30). :param type: If specified, only transactions of the specified type will be included. 'uncategorized'and 'unapproved' are currently supported. :param last_knowledge_of_server: The starting server knowledge. If provided, only entities that have changed since last_knowledge_of_server will be included. :returns: A dict of all transactions for the budget. """ params = {} if last_knowledge_of_server is not None: params['last_knowledge_of_server'] = last_knowledge_of_server if since_date is not None: params['since_date'] = since_date if type is not None: params['type'] = type return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/transactions'.format(budget_id), 'GET', params)
[docs] async def create_transactions( self, budget_id: str, transaction: dict = None, transactions: List[dict] = None) -> dict: """Creates a single transaction or multiple transactions. One of transaction or transactions must be specified, but not both. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/transactions` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param transaction: The transaction to create. :param transactions: The list of transactions to create. :returns: A dict of the created transaction(s). :raises ValueError: If both transaction and transactions are provided or neither are provided. """ if not transaction and not transactions: raise ValueError('Must specify one of transaction or transactions.') if transaction and transactions: raise ValueError('Only one of transaction or transactions can be ' 'specified, not both.') if transaction is not None: data = {'transaction': transaction} elif transactions is not None: data = {'transactions': transactions} return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/transactions'.format(budget_id), 'POST', body=data)
[docs] async def update_transactions( self, budget_id: str, transaction: dict = None, transactions: List[dict] = None) -> dict: """Updates multiple transactions, by 'id' or 'import_id'. One of transaction or transactions must be specified, but not both. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/transactions` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param transaction: The transaction to update. :param transactions: The list of transactions to updates. :returns: A dict of the updated transaction(s). :raises ValueError: If both transaction and transactions are provided or neither are provided. """ if not transaction and not transactions: raise ValueError('Must specify one of transaction or transactions.') if transaction and transactions: raise ValueError('Only one of transaction or transactions can be ' 'specified, not both.') if transaction is not None: data = {'transaction': transaction} elif transactions is not None: data = {'transactions': transactions} return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/transactions'.format(budget_id), 'PATCH', body=data)
[docs] async def transaction(self, budget_id: str, transaction_id: str) -> dict: """Returns a single transaction. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/transactions/{transaction_id}` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param transaction_id: The ID of the transaction. :returns: A dict of the requested transaction. """ return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/transactions/{}'.format(budget_id, transaction_id), 'GET')
[docs] async def update_transaction( self, budget_id: str, transaction_id: str, data: dict) -> dict: """Updates a single transaction. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/transactions/{transaction_id}` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param transaction_id: The ID of the transaction. :param data: A dict containing the fields/values to update. :returns: A dict of the updated transaction. """ data = {'transaction': data} return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/transactions/{}'.format(budget_id, transaction_id), 'PUT', body=data)
[docs] async def account_transactions( self, budget_id: str, account_id: str, since_date: str = None, type: str = None, last_knowledge_of_server: int = None) -> dict: """Returns all transactions for a specified account. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/accounts/{account_id}/transactions` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param account_id: The ID of the account. :param since_date: If specified, only transactions on or after this date will be included. The date should be ISO formatted (e.g. 2016-12-30). :param type: If specified, only transactions of the specified type will be included. 'uncategorized'and 'unapproved' are currently supported. :param last_knowledge_of_server: The starting server knowledge. If provided, only entities that have changed since last_knowledge_of_server will be included. :returns: A dict of all transactions for the requested account. """ params = {} if last_knowledge_of_server is not None: params['last_knowledge_of_server'] = last_knowledge_of_server if since_date is not None: params['since_date'] = since_date if type is not None: params['type'] = type return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/accounts/{}/transactions'.format( budget_id, account_id), 'GET', params)
[docs] async def category_transactions( self, budget_id: str, category_id: str, since_date: str = None, type: str = None, last_knowledge_of_server: int = None) -> dict: """Returns all transactions for a specified category. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/categories/{category_id}/transactions` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param category_id: The ID of the category. :param since_date: If specified, only transactions on or after this date will be included. The date should be ISO formatted (e.g. 2016-12-30). :param type: If specified, only transactions of the specified type will be included. 'uncategorized'and 'unapproved' are currently supported. :param last_knowledge_of_server: The starting server knowledge. If provided, only entities that have changed since last_knowledge_of_server will be included. :returns: A dict of all transactions for the requested category. """ params = {} if last_knowledge_of_server is not None: params['last_knowledge_of_server'] = last_knowledge_of_server if since_date is not None: params['since_date'] = since_date if type is not None: params['type'] = type return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/categories/{}/transactions'.format( budget_id, category_id), 'GET', params)
[docs] async def payee_transactions( self, budget_id: str, payee_id: str, since_date: str = None, type: str = None, last_knowledge_of_server: int = None) -> dict: """Returns all transactions for a specified payee. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/payees/{payee_id}/transactions` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param payee_id: The ID of the payee. :param since_date: If specified, only transactions on or after this date will be included. The date should be ISO formatted (e.g. 2016-12-30). :param type: If specified, only transactions of the specified type will be included. 'uncategorized'and 'unapproved' are currently supported. :param last_knowledge_of_server: The starting server knowledge. If provided, only entities that have changed since last_knowledge_of_server will be included. :returns: A dict of all transactions for the requested payee. """ params = {} if last_knowledge_of_server is not None: params['last_knowledge_of_server'] = last_knowledge_of_server if since_date is not None: params['since_date'] = since_date if type is not None: params['type'] = type return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/payees/{}/transactions'.format( budget_id, payee_id), 'GET', params)
[docs] async def scheduled_transactions(self, budget_id: str) -> dict: """Returns all scheduled transactions. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/scheduled_transactions` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :returns: A dict of all scheduled transactions. """ return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/scheduled_transactions'.format(budget_id), 'GET')
[docs] async def scheduled_transaction( self, budget_id: str, scheduled_transaction_id: str) -> dict: """Returns all scheduled transactions. Corresponds to the `/budgets/{budget_id}/scheduled_transactions/{scheduled_transaction_id}` endpoint. :param budget_id: The ID of the budget. :param scheduled_transaction_id: The ID of the scheduled transaction. :returns: A dict of all scheduled transactions. """ return await self._request( '/budgets/{}/scheduled_transactions/{}'.format( budget_id, scheduled_transaction_id), 'GET')